MARCH 14, 2023
The regular monthly meeting of the Logansport Town Council was held Tuesday, March 14, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Logansport Town Hall with mayor Judge Cordray presiding. Council members present: Katherine Freeman, Pam Thomas and Mark Woods. Absent: Zachary Bossier and Anthony Wilson. 1 guest was in attendance.
The meeting opened with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.
With a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods a public meeting was opened to discuss Ordinance #714-An ordinance to provide for cross-connection control and regulation for the Town of Logansport Water Supply System. With a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods meeting was closed. All Ayes. Two absent.
With a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mrs. Freeman a public meeting was opened to discuss Ordinance #715-An ordinance amending utility rate. With a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods meeting was closed. All ayes. Two absent.
The minutes were approved with a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods. All ayes. Two absent.
The monthly bill for the utility and general fund were approved with a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods. All ayes. Two absent.
Ordinance # 714-An ordinance to provide for cross connection control and regulation for the Town of Logansport Water Supply was approved with a motion by Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods. All ayes. Two absent.
Ordinance #715-An ordinance amending Utility Rates was approved with a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mrs. Freeman. All ayes. Two absent.
A Resolution was approved to abandon a portion of Lee Street north of Willow Street (300 ft) with a motion from Mr. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods. All ayes. Two absent.
With a motion from Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods Section 504 Communication Policy was adopted. All ayes. Two absent.
A Language Access Plan was adopted with a motion by Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Woods. All ayes. Two absent.
Mayor and council went into Executive Session to discuss employee and council policies.
Mayor and council came out of Executive Session.
Mayor Cordray report all the lights and canopies were finished downtown and he’s been receiving lots of compliments. The bid for the playground resurfacing was approved and should start soon.
The Mayor announced that the Eggs-travaganza on the Sabine would be held April 8, 2023.
With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned with a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mrs. Freeman. All ayes. Two absent.
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Tammy Timmons, Clerk Judge Cordray, Mayor