Logansport, the “Gateway to Louisiana” and “Sand Bass Capital of the World”
And it’s a great place to live!

JANUARY 10, 2023

The regular monthly meeting of the Logansport Town Council was held Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of the Logansport Town Hall with Mayor Judge Cordray presiding.  Council members present; Katherine Freeman, Pam Thomas, Zachary Bossier, Anthony Wilson and Mark Woods.  Five guests were in attendance.

The meeting opened with the Lord’s Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

With a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mrs. Freeman a public hearing was opened to discuss water rates for the Town of Logansport.  With a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mrs. Freeman the public hearing was closed.  All ayes.  None absent.

The December minutes were approved with a motion by  Mrs. Freeman and second from Mr. Bossier.  All ayes.  None absent.

The monthly bills were approved with a  motion from Mr. Bossier and second from Mr. Wilson.  All ayes.  None absent.

With a motion from Mr. Bossier and second from Mrs. Freeman a public hearing to discuss new water rates for next month. Were tabled.  All ayes.  None absent.

Mr. Clark, public works director took the floor to discuss new meters.  The new meters would be cellular and have the ability to detect leaks and accurate readings for our customers.  The money would come from the ARP monies that the town was given for infrastructure.  With a motion from Mr. Woods and second from Mr. Bossier meters were approved.  All ayes.  None absent.

Mark Armstrong asked the council if the American Legion could have a place on Riverfront to put something for burning retired flags.  He would also like to restore Gazebo.  After discussion Mark would bring photo and select an area and bring it back before council.

Mayor Cordray reported on an excellent job done by Rex Clark during freeze, the town never lost water and those who did were handled swiftly.  Mayor also reported we had a great Christmas Festival and workers did a great job.

New business opened passed school on highway 5, Daniel and Sonja Polley opened an event center to rent out.

With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned with a motion by Mrs. Thomas, and second from Mrs. Freeman.  All ayes.  None absent.

_______________________________                                      _______________________________

Tammy Timmons, Clerk                                                 Judge Cordray, Mayor


Logansport Town Hall ~ 309 Main Street ~ Logansport, Louisiana 71049
(318) 697-5359

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday – 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

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